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导演: 由拉特·史帕克
编剧: 由拉特·史帕克
主演: 赖拉·邦雅淑 / Krit Sripoomseth / Chompunoot Piyapane / Sirisin Siripornsmathikul
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 惊悚 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 泰国
语言: 泰语
上映日期: 2003-11-14
片长: 109 分钟
又名: 夜花 / 609猛鬼套房. / Rahtree: Flower of the Night / Buppha Rahtree
IMDb链接: tt0423881
少女柳宝柏(赖拉·邦雅淑 饰)的童年一片黑暗,她自幼遭受继父侵犯,心中留下无法愈合的伤口。长大后,她对所有男人都心怀戒备,没人能走入她的内心世界。直到富家公子戴家邦(Krit Sripoomseth 饰)的出现改变了这一切。在家邦的疯狂追求之下,宝柏的感情防线最终崩溃,她陷入热恋之中。然而,家邦的追求不过是无聊所致,在宝柏怀孕之际,他远赴英国留学。可怜的宝柏忍受情感和身体上的巨大痛苦,在一幢破败的公寓中郁郁而终。宝柏的生命虽然消逝,但其心中长久以来的怨念却令她化作厉鬼,誓要向所有伤害过她的人展开报复……

Buppah Rahtree is a loner female student at a Bangkok university who becomes the object of a wager by a group of male students to see if she can be bedded. Ake, the son of a wealthy family, takes the bet and courts young Buppah. She resists him at first, but one day sees him feeding pigeons in a park and talks to him. After she expresses her desire to fly away, they go on a ride in Ake's convertible. They continue to have a relationship, which culminates in a three-day weekend at Bang Saen, during which Ake has sex with her; he stays in bed with her the whole time. Ake shows videotapes of their sex to his friends, and for his efforts wins a bottle of Johnnie Walker, which he reflects to himself seems like a trivial prize for messing up another person's life. Ake breaks off all contact with Buppah.





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