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导演: 布朗尼·拉齐塞邦 / 尼亚达·苏达娜
编剧: 戴宝拉·卡姆普梅尔
主演: 段奕宏 / 察猜·本班尼
类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 泰国
语言: 泰语
上映日期: 2004-10-28
片长: 86分钟
又名: 细伟 / 利辉 / Zee-Oui
IMDb链接: tt0471977
黄利辉(段奕宏 饰)曾经是一名怯于在战场上同日军搏杀的抗日战士,战争过去,中国大地又陷入了新的纷争。1946年,在家乡难以生存的利辉听从母亲的安排,带着她赠送的小刀,远赴泰国投奔亲戚。然而语言不通,又有哮喘病的利辉在雇主家没做多久,便因为老板娘的无礼愤而出走,利辉拖着虚弱的身体,在泰国工人的嘲笑戏弄中,做苦力谋生,异国女童的微小善意此时也成了他唯一的心灵慰藉,可昔日战场上的恐怖记忆萦绕在他心头,令他在睡梦中铸下大错……流落泰国乡间的利辉整日被几个孩子骚扰,终于,他心中的魔恣意爆发,令一切不可挽回……

In 1946 a young man from China named Zee-Oui immigrated to Thailand in hope of a better life. His only possession was the knife inherited from his mother. However, everything did not turn out as he had thought. He was bullied and humiliated from everyone around him. He tried desperately to survive in this world. He became ill. He missed his mother... At the same time, his instincts increasingly oppressed his thoughts and behaviors. He began killing children, consuming their heart and liver in the believe that it would make him stronger. Whenever he felt weak, he would kill again and again just to avoid the insecure feelings. At the end, he was caught and confessed to all the killings he had done. He was sentenced to the death penalty as the society returned to serenity. But why there were still missing and murdered children?





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