
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: Ed Gaffney
编剧: Ed Gaffney
主演: Kristine Sutherland / Marem Hassler / Aly Trasher
类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 同性
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
片长: 82分钟
IMDb链接: tt5138866
身处于命运十字路口的人哪 如同俄罗斯套娃一般一层套一层却始终无法直视内心的真实 由一本名为《俄罗斯套娃》剧本引发的失踪案,牵扯出一桩25年前的迷离案件。 女警官Ames因2年前妻子的离世,始终沉湎于过去,无法向前看。在通过女教师Faith的帮助下, 对于案件有了巨大的突破,同时也情不自禁得被她所吸引。 当揭开整个案件的真相,才知或许我们每个人都是“俄罗斯套娃”。 女警官x女教师的Cp,结局He请放心食用~ 微博@亿万同人字幕组 微博@橘里橘气字幕组

Russian Doll is a female-driven, sexy, edgy crime thriller about revenge. The story begins when a young woman discovers a murder plot, and calls 911. But seconds into the call, she's attacked and abducted. The police investigation into the woman's disappearance leads them to interrogate the cast and crew of a play called 'The Russian Doll.' What the cops don't know is that like a Russian doll, one of the people they question is a killer hiding in plain sight, preparing to avenge a thirty-year-old crime by murdering a cast member on opening night. And what they also don't know is that if they don't act quickly, the kidnapped woman will die, too. Running throughout the movie is a subplot focused on the lead detective, Viola Ames. Viola's wife died two years earlier, and Viola has never really recovered. During her investigation, Viola meets a beautiful young lesbian named Faith. Despite her best efforts to maintain her distance, Viola is strongly attracted to Faith, and struggles to reconcile that attraction with her loyalty to her deceased wife.




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