
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: Wendy Jo Carlton
编剧: Wendy Jo Carlton
主演: Jacqui Jackson / Jessica London-Shields / Fawzia Mirza
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2011-06-18(美国)
片长: 95 min
IMDb链接: tt1718807
你曾爱上过你最好的朋友吗?再过两周,Jamie就要从芝加哥搬到纽约去,她的梦想是成为一位百老汇演员。她最好的朋友Jessie对此十分烦恼,因为两人的感情已经不再是秘密了。随着搬家之日临近,为了让Jamie嫉妒,Jessie开始和其他女孩约会,但她的计划招致的后果却在她的意料之外。 "Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together" 是关于两个女人之间充满爱的张力,相互依赖和相互忠诚的友谊,她们试着找出共同成长的道路,并寻觅如何独自成长的方法。"Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together" 是一部充满大量音乐歌曲的罗曼喜剧,它受独立电影《Show Me Love 同窗之爱》,《500 Days of Summer 五百天的夏季》和《Lost in Translation 迷失东京》的影响。故事的背景是芝加哥的工薪阶层,并注入了许多舞蹈元素。"Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together"是一封写给爱情和欲望灰色地带的情书,写给那些我们永远无法忘记的年轻浪漫往事。(Maso翻译@悸花网)

Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend? Jamie is moving in 2 weeks from Chicago to New York hoping to become a Broadway actress. Her best friend Jessica is bummed because she's not-so-secretly in love with Jamie. As moving day gets closer, Jessica tries to make Jamie jealous by dating other girls. But Jessica's plan backfires, in a way she could never imagine. "Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together" is about two women whose codependent, loyal friendship is fraught with erotic tension, and trying to figure out how to grow together or how to grow apart. A romantic comedy with Musical numbers, "Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together" is inspired by independent films like "Show Me Love", "500 Days of Summer" and "Lost in Translation". Set in working class Chicago and infused with dance numbers, "Jamie and Jessie are Not Together' is a love letter to those gray areas of love and lust and to the young romances we will never forget.





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