
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 奥利维耶·杜卡斯泰尔 / 雅克·玛尔提诺
又名: 5点59分爱上你(台) / 同船的泰奥和雨果 / Paris 05:59 / Theo and Hugo / Paris 05:59: Theo & Hugo
编剧: 奥利维耶·杜卡斯泰尔 / 雅克·玛尔提诺
主演: 杰弗瑞·古艾 / 弗朗索瓦·纳伯 / Mario Fanfani / Bastien Gabriel / Miguel Ferreira / Jeffry Kaplow
类型: 剧情 / 同性
制片国家/地区: 法国
语言: 法语
上映日期: 2016-02-15(柏林电影节) / 2016-04-27(法国)
片长: 97分钟
IMDb链接: tt5096628

Théo and Hugo encounter each other's bodies in a sex club. They talk, things blur into the haziness of unbridled desire, then take shape for a moment as their gaze meets before they resume their exploration and lose themselves anew. A few moments later the two men feel the need to go outside. Together they drift down the deserted streets of nocturnal Paris. Suddenly they find themselves confronted by a sense of reality that wipes out their freedom and aimlessness and lends each step an existential helplessness. Do they want to know more about each other? Will their trust be rewarded? What are their expectations?





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