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导演: Daniel Hendler
编剧: 丹尼尔·亨德尔 / Alberto Rojas Apel
主演: Diego De Paula / 安娜·卡兹 / Matías Singer / Roberto Suárez / José Luis Arias / 凯撒·特龙科索
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 乌拉圭 Uruguay/阿根廷
语言: 西班牙语
片长: 80分钟
又名: The Candidate(美) / 请投马汀一票(台)
IMDb链接: tt5070076

"The Candidate" delivers a behind-the-scenes tale of a campaign being run in an effort to get nondescript millionaire Martin Marchand (Diego de Paula) elected to office. A team of advisers is brought in to manufacture the image of Marchand, producing social media profiles, commercials and a new public persona. Conflict arises when it is revealed that not everyone is who they present themselves to be. At his country estate, a rich businessman who wants to be president is groomed by a campaign team to create an image palatable to middle-class voters.




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