《我说的都是真的》百度云网盘 迅雷下载 超清

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《我说的都是真的》百度云网盘 迅雷下载 超清

导演: 刘仪伟
编剧: 刘仪伟
主演: 小沈阳 / 陈意涵 / 吴樾 / 连凯 / 罗海琼 / 李易祥 / 朱云峰 / 刘仪伟
类型: 喜剧 / 动作 / 悬疑
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2018-03-30(中国大陆)
片长: 99分钟
又名: Really?
IMDb链接: tt8942260
职业策划人夏至(小沈阳 饰)信口开河编了一个关于绑架的故事,却误打误撞说中事实,于是招来犯罪团伙追杀,连他暗恋的餐吧老板娘印小雪(陈意涵 饰)都被卷入其中,从而引发了一系列扑朔迷离而又妙趣横生的故事。

Xia Zhi (by Xiao Shenyang) bluffs a lot. He is blowing hot air in his lover Xiao Xue's (by Ivy Chen) restaurant as usual. Meanwhile, Xia Zhi notices a group passes the restaurant. He tells that it must be a kidnapping case, but he doesn't expect the criminal member hear it. Criminal boss (by Andrew Lien) guesses Xia Zhi is the partner who hides the swag. They decide to kill him in case he exposes their secret. Lousy killers try to kill Xia Zhi several times but fail. The weirdest thing is when polices follow Xia Zhi to the crime scene. It looks like nothing had happened before. Can Xia Zhi provide the evidence to prove that his life is in danger?





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