《真田十勇士 真人版》百度云盘下载[MP4/mkv]蓝光

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《真田十勇士 真人版》百度云盘下载[MP4/mkv]蓝光

导演: 堤幸彦
编剧: 牧野希 / 铃木哲也
主演: 中村勘九郎 / 松坂桃李 / 大岛优子 / 永山绚斗 / 高桥光臣 / 骏河太郎 / 村井良大 / 荒井敦史 / 望月步 / 青木健 / 石垣佑磨 / 加藤和树 / 伊武雅刀 / 佐藤二朗 / 野添义弘 / 松平健 / 大竹忍 / 加藤雅也
类型: 喜剧 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2016-09-22(日本)
片长: 135分钟
又名: Sanada Ten Braves
IMDb链接: tt5456436

It is the Sengoku period - or the Warring State era - in Japan, and the Tokugawa Shogunate has won hegemony over the land, yet the Toyotomi clan in Osaka continue to resist Ieyasu Tokugawa's forces. To prepare for an impending attack, the Toyotomi summon lion-hearted general, Yukimura Sanada. However, the reputedly fearless general has a secret: his legendary battles are all planned and executed by a group of misfit warriors dubbed the Ten Brave Heroes. Led by former ninja, Sasuke Sarutobi, the Ten Braves take centre-stage in one of the greatest power struggles in Japanese history. Can Sanada's hired mercenaries win him the Siege of Osaka and alter the course of history?




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