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导演: Madhureeta Anand

又名: 浓情摇荡
编剧: Madhureeta Anand
主演: 兰迪普·弘达 / 拉伊玛·森 / 阿巴斯·汗
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 / 音乐 / 歌舞 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 印度
语言: 印地语
上映日期: 2009-02-06(印度)
片长: 1h 59min
IMDb链接: tt1288644
“抱歉我不能做那种事,因为我是你幻想出来的。”美女玛雅心怀歌手梦想,却遭渣男老公打压,她为家庭牺牲自我,却换来丈夫的厌烦和背叛。在她陷入迷茫之际,自称是摇滚明星的清纯男子Jai从天而降,童话般的气氛在灯光,鼓风机和BGM中弥漫开来,弥漫在玛雅一地鸡毛的生活中……二人能否携手扬名立万,手撕渣男 ?

Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye is the story of Maya. Maya lives in New Delhi, is married to Vikram and has a daughter Priya. Maya's life is mundane and centres around her family. One evening she overhears a conversation between her husband and another woman and realises that he's having an affair. Her simple, family centric life around her breaks down and she realises how Vikram had slowly degenerated her confidence and self esteem in the past few years of their marriage. He stopped her from singing and abandoning all her dreams. During a conversation with her neighbour Mrs Mathur, who is looking for an ideal tenant, she conjures up her fantasy man, Jai. Through Jai, who keeps reoccurring in her dreams in different avtars, she regains her confidence. He inspires her to pursue her ultimate dream of singing. With the help of her neighbours, a young band, she embarks on realising her dreams. Will her fantasy turn into reality or will reality hinder her dreams?




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