
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 张曜元
编剧: 张曜元
主演: 阿部力 / 侯雨桐
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2021-04-23(中国大陆) / 2019-11(华语青年影像论坛)
片长: 86分钟
IMDb链接: tt10462488
Yuan ye, 35, has achieved nothing. He's interested in writing and had published but only one book. He's fired due to his mistake in work, which almost leads to a disaster, although it's out of his kindness. In summer, the hot weather destroys the aquaculture industry, which the local people in his hometown rely on heavily. Therefore, his mother is ill and hospitalized. He has to go back home to figure things out. He meets his ex-girlfriend, Yang yang, who he has been in love for many years. Her timely care and concern remind him their past and wonderful memories come flooding back. He thinks that's the signal from Yang yang for them to get back together. He believes he's the only man can make her happy. In order to keep the house, they used to live in together, he's in debt and gives up everything. However, the cruel reality strikes him heavily and he feels like grow up in one night. Ahead of him are memories and new direction.





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