
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 张文逸
又名: 偷情的好日子 / A Day For An Affair / A Good Day to Have an Affair
编剧: 张文逸 / 周灿玉
主演: 金惠秀 / 尹珍序 / 李钟赫 / 李民基
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情
官方网站: www.baram2007.co.kr
制片国家/地区: 韩国
语言: 韩语
上映日期: 2007-02-08(韩国)
片长: 103分钟
IMDb链接: tt0969226
乐观明朗的少妇李瑟(金慧秀饰)是个就算遇到晴天霹雳的大事儿也不会惊慌失措的家庭主妇,然而她却有一个比自己小十岁、无比善良单纯的大学生男友(李民基饰)。 身材火辣看似单纯的有夫之妇“小鸟”(尹珍熙饰)也不是一个安分守己的妻子,她正在和证券界被视为神话的“两只狐”(李钟赫饰)偷偷约会。 两个看似生活美满的主妇并不甘心家庭带来的温暖与幸福,反而偷食禁果,用不伦的恋情激发着内心的欲望,享受着这段无法控制的“外遇好日子”。

Two bored housewives who use "Dewdrop" and "Tweetie" as their Internet chat room monikers are longing for a bit of excitement. Though Tweetie quickly hooks up with Fox, an older but eager salesman, at first she isn't sure that the idea of an affair isn't more exciting than its consummation. Fiesty 30ish Dewdrop, meanwhile, looking to pay back her cheating husband, finds the appropriate currency in a virginal 20-year-old college student. One day, when both women are in their respective motel rooms with different men, police barge into Dewdrop's room to arrest them (adultery being illegal in South Korea). Watching the scene, Tweetie is startled to discover that one of the raiding cops is her husband...





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