
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


主演: 朱梓骁 / 朱圣祎 / 叶项明 / 孟子叶 / 闫笑 / 徐小琴 / 何音
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2020-08-28(中国大陆网络)
又名: The Eye Of The Dragon Princess

Hai Lanzhu, the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, came to rain on the earth. She ran into Lu Haisheng, the head of Yizhou government office who had solved the murder case in the Dragon King temple. Hai Lanzhu pretended to be amnesia and stayed with Lu Haisheng to help investigate the case, but she was killed because of her unusual longan. In order to get a pair of eyes that will not rot, the villains coveted longan and made the misunderstanding between male and female owners deep. At the same time, Yuhe of Lu's residence was jealous of Hai Lanzhu's arrival, and hoped to drive her away to make her life recover as before, and have a chance to stay with Lu Haisheng. They jointly created many difficulties for Hailan Zhu. Can Hai Lanzhu get his longan back in the end? How can their emotions break through the crisis?





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