
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 曾晓禹
主演: 陈浩民 / 苑琼丹 / 金刚 / 李笑优 / 戴笑盈
类型: 奇幻 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
上映日期: 2020-08-28(中国大陆)

In order to maintain the peace of the three realms, the emperor of heaven sent Yang Jian with Xiaotian dog and Taibai Xingjun to destroy Xuantian Luojing. However, he was attacked by the red devil Disha. As a result, Xiaotian dog was eviscerated into a demon, and Yang Jian took Taibai Xingjun to escape from the demon world. After thousands of years, Xuantian Luojing will be born. Yang Jian, who is guilty of the crime, is once again ordered to go to the earth's territory. However, he accidentally encounters Xiaotian dog, who has lost his memory, and turns against his brother in the past. In order to save Xiaotian dog, Yang Jian, together with Taibai Xingjun and Qu'er, a demon hunter, sneaked into the demon world and tried to tie the dog to the Holy Spirit spring to retrieve his memory.




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