
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 李蔚然
编剧: 张家鲁

又名: 阴阳师 / 阴阳师电影版 / The YinYang Master
主演: 陈坤 / 周迅 / 陈伟霆 / 屈楚萧 / 王丽坤 / 沈月 / 王紫璇 / 王悦伊
类型: 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2020(中国大陆)
IMDb链接: tt12151820

"Shi Shen Ling" is a fantasy film produced by Chen Guofu and zhangjialu, directed by Li Weiran, starring Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Chen Weiting, Qu chuxiao, Wang Likun, Shen Yue, Wang Zixuan and Wang Yueyi. It will be released in 2020. It tells of the Yin and Yang teacher Qingming, who runs through the two realms of man and demon, because he has made a contract with a lot of monsters, which leads to great disaster and is in deep crisis. At the same time, the demon emperor is making a comeback, and a fierce battle is imminent. At the critical moment of sudden change and turbulent situation, Qingming suddenly finds that his identity as a man demon is the key to all these disasters





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