
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 马可·伯格 / Marcelo Mónaco
编剧: 马可·伯格 / Marcelo Mónaco
主演: Ana Lucia Antony / Candela García Redin / Pedro Jover
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 阿根廷 / 美国 / 法国
语言: 西班牙语
上映日期: 2013-03-13(阿根廷)
片长: 91 min
IMDb链接: tt2861478

What are the rules that determine how attraction and desire are set free? Glances, unexpected smiles, confiding in unknown women. Long cherished fantasies, intimate friendships and unexpected meetings. In Volume 2 of the Sexual Tension diptych, Marco Berger and Marcelo Mónaco take us on a journey through the twists and turns of female seduction: two guests of a hostel become roommates (and more); a keen shop assistant helps a woman uncertain about what dress to buy; the outset of a great passion between two girls during a picnic, even though one of them has a boyfriend. In the film we also find a conversation about Woody Allen between a waitress and a woman, which goes too far; and two high-class escorts who discover that they are attracted to each other, when they are in bed with a client. The film finally shows what could happen, but never did happen, and will probably never happen, to two thirty-year-old women. Maybe it would be better not to have sex with people we love. Sex spoils everything. Eroticism is temptation.



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