
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 石井裕也
编剧: 石井裕也 / 最果夕日
主演: 石桥静河 / 池松壮亮 / 松田龙平 / 市川实日子 / 田中哲司 / 佐藤玲 / 三浦贵大 / 大西力 / 野嵜好美
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2017-02-13(柏林电影节) / 2017-05-13(日本)
片长: 108分钟
又名: 东京夜空最深蓝(港) / 夜空总是最大密度的蓝色 / Tokyo Night Sky Is Always the Densest Shade of Blue
IMDb链接: tt5931802

Newcomer Shizuka Ishibashi throws herself into the role of Mika, a nurse by day, a 'girlie bar' hostess by night, subject to feelings of anxiety and isolation, and unable to reach through a hard outer shell that stops her from expressing tenderness to anyone else. Sosuke Ikematsu, one of Japan's most important young actors, stars as Shinji, who struggles as a day-hire construction worker with a sense of impending doom, but who still tries to find the source of an unnamable hope he feels inside. The setting is Tokyo in 2017, where empty words, a sense of doom, and feelings of isolation co-exist with hope, trust, and love. In the sense of real life conjured up in these two people is a new kind of film: the densest kind of love story.




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