
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 彭发
编剧: 雷志龙
主演: 徐娇 / 胡夏 / 鲁诺 / 王力宏 / 蔡卓妍 / 句号
类型: 爱情
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2017-09-15(中国大陆)
片长: 91分钟
又名: 会疼的十七岁 / 会痛的17岁 / Growing Pains
IMDb链接: tt10393846
17岁高中女生夏远远(徐娇 饰)是成绩一塌糊涂的学渣一枚,性格叛逆执着,患有先天性痛觉缺失症。经常和同样喜欢二次元的罗涛(鲁诺 饰)参加动漫社团。顾明耀(胡夏 饰)是大家眼中的超级学霸,过着按部就班的生活。在新来班主任李米(蔡卓妍 饰)的执意坚持下,夏远远和同桌顾明耀产生了奇妙的交集,并逐渐发现了彼此内心隐藏的另一面。就在此时,一个个误解和质疑接踵而至,叛逆少女夏远远能否逆袭成功?神秘角色王力宏(王力宏 饰)的出现,又能否实现她儿时的梦想?会痛的十七岁,也是成长的十七岁。

Hunan province, southern China, the present day. Senior high-school student Xia Yuanyuan (Jiao Xu), 17, dreams in class about manga characters, her only real interest apart from Taiwan American singer Leehom Wang, whom she's idolised all her life. Her parents divorced when she was young and she's been raised by her paternal grandmother, who indulges her. Always bottom of the class, she has the university entrance exam in three months' time and is constantly berated by her martinet class teacher Gu (Hao Ju). After a row one day with him, she storms out and goes to the beach with biker/hippie friend Luo Tao (Nuo Lu), who is a member of the same manga-cosplay group. They both rail against the conformist world. Following his collapse after Xia Yuanyuan's walkout, Gu is ordered to rest and younger replacement teacher Li Mi (Charlene Choi) takes over. Xia Yuanyuan again walks out when she finds the words "student trash" written on her desk. Li Mi finds out what happened from nerdy student Gu Mingyao (Xia Hu), who's known Xia Yuanyuan since primary school and is her only real friend in class. He, however, is under intense pressure from his father to pass the entrance exam and study science and engineering at a good university. Luo Tao takes Xia Yuanyuan to a bar to relax when both of them should be at the cosplay group's rehearsal; fellow member Lisha, who likes Luo Tao, blames everything on Xia Yuanyuan. To bring the competitive class together, Li Mi pairs the students off at desks; Gu Mingyao offers to sit with Xia Yuanyuan and she starts to take more of an interest in studying, which further annoys ambitious class head Lin Wei (Jingzi Shi) who secretly fancies Gu Mingyao. Also jealous of the time that Xu Jiao now spends with Gu Mingyao is Luo Tao, who warns him off. But Gu Mingyao denies he is Xia Yuanyuan's boyfriend, just as Xia Yuanyuan denies she is Luo Tao's girlfriend.



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