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导演: 岩井俊二
编剧: 岩井俊二
资源类型:爱的捆绑百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 丰川悦司 / 山口智子 / 田口智朗
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 1994-10-07(日本)
片长: 47分钟
IMDb链接: tt0111555
《爱的捆绑》讲述了作家由纪夫(丰川悦司 饰)由于整日忙于写作,与妻子萌宝(山口智子 饰)渐渐生出一层隔膜,而两人原本平淡简单恩爱的生活,也因为这层隔膜于不知不觉间被打破,只是由纪夫从没察觉到。某天,由纪夫诧异地发现家里的很多东西都被萌宝用绳子捆绑了起来,甚至,她经常企图把自己也绑在绳中。意识到问题的严重性后,由纪夫带萌宝去看医生,得知她患上的是一种无法进行医学治疗的学名为“强迫性紧缚症候群”的精神病——似乎他可以做的,只有按萌宝的要求,用用绳索将她紧紧捆绑起来。

Moemi is not overly pleased when Yukio brings home a couple of turtles to keep her company. Although Yukio works at home as a writer, Moemi feels neglected and desired a dog or a cat, but neither is allowed in their apartment. He drills a hole in the front of one turtle's shell so that it can be taken for walks on a leash, but Moemi spares the second from the same fate by proclaiming it "The House Turtle." Their lives seem reasonably happy until she has her braces removed, and Yukio finds kissing her less satisfying. She soon starts tying up everything in her sight with knotted twine, starting with the turtles. A psychiatrist diagnoses "Obsessive Knot-Binding Syndrome" due to deficiencies in her relationship with Yukio. Moemi continues to expand her activities, tying herself in knots with cords stretching across the apartment. The doctor tells Yukio that her illness has reached a critical point, and that he should tie her up that evening. This he proceeds to do, with her encouraging him to bind her more and more. Where will this end ?




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