
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 林大雄
编剧: 李刚
主演: 黎明 / 耿乐 / 韩彩英 / 祝延平 / 陈海亮 / 于娜 / 童冰玉 / 林羽
类型: 悬疑 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 韩国
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2016-04-01(中国大陆)
片长: 94分钟
又名: 불속지객 / The Guest
IMDb链接: tt5955834
本片聚焦的是每个在社会中摸爬滚打的普通人都可能遭遇的窘境。影片讲述了白领郑凯(黎明 饰)即将与未婚妻张琳琳(韩彩英 饰)完婚时突然遭遇事业崩盘,失意醉酒后莫名被神秘的黑车司机岳某(耿乐 饰)送回家,因为没有带钱,给司机留个电话希望第二天付款。第二天,司机频繁给郑凯打电话,要跟他做朋友。郑凯宿醉后忘了到底发生过什么。接下来,发生过冲突的上司突然被杀,各种嫌疑无可避免地指向他,而可能到来的赔偿又令他急于逃离目前的生活,然而这一切似乎有迹可寻,不停纠缠他的黑车司机以及那辆恐怖的黑车,令郑凯怀疑他与上司谋杀案有莫大关联,但郑凯面临的是如何说服妻子离开深圳,这可以摆脱赔偿及司机的纠缠,但来不及了,司机已经彻底了解了他的情况,并且找上门来......

Zheng Kai(Leon Lai)is a sales manager whose career is on the rise. When he planned to marry his fiancee Lin-Lin(Han chae young),his life changes dramatically--a commercial accident happened, Zheng Kai was forced to become a scapegoat. Zheng Kai frustrated to drink and get on an unlicensed car with unconsciousness and then fell into a serial nightmare--The "kindhearted" driver(Le Geng) began to call Zheng kai frequently and claimed to be his friend. The sober Zheng Kai forgot everything and felt discomfort about the driver's entanglement, meanwhile Lin-Lin became suspicious of the relationship between Zheng Kai and the driver. Suddenly accident occured again, Zheng kai's former boss was murdered by mysterious, Zheng Kai was considered as a suspected object. In order to avoid trouble, the exhausted Zheng kai tried to persuade Lin- Lin to leave here ,but an unexpected greater crisis is on the way..




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