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导演: 吴国强
编剧: 阮氏明玉 / 阮廷秀

又名: 暴力天使 / 西贡风云之女古惑仔 / Huong Ga / 香伽
主演: 张玉英 / 金李 / 陈庄 / 芝芙 / 阮如琼 / 孝阮
类型: 动作 / 犯罪 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 越南
语言: 越南语
上映日期: 2016-03-25(中国大陆) / 2014-10-31(越南)
片长: 100分钟
IMDb链接: tt3914400
本片讲述了一位名叫阿妙的女子人生。偷渡失败后,阿妙只好与唯一的亲人奶奶一起生活。成长于市集和车站间,对过去的敏感,充满波折的生活环境,曾经爱过的小混混兴马(Hưng Mã)背叛,令她干起了违背良心的事。阿妙烧掉市集,坐牢后再犯杀人。与松英雄(Tùng Hero)的相遇是阿妙江湖生涯中巨大转折。阿妙的名字不再存在,取而代之的是绰号“香站”(暗指在车站市集卖香的女子)....改编自作家阮廷秀的小说,取材于原型人物容霞( Dung Hà)的真实故事。

A rags to riches story of unusual circumstance. 'Huong Ga - Rise' is the story of Dieu. Chronicling the highs and lows of Vietnam's most notorious female gangsters, this is a woman's journey as she breaks the glass ceiling in a man's word, albeit, a much darker and dangerous existence. Shaded by the influence and lessons of the men in her life: Nhan her childhood sweetheart, her great unrequited love; Hung fifty shades of empty but a great physical attraction; Tung the man of her dreams, husband, lover and friend; and Tan - the gentle man who promises a simpler life. Each of the men in her life contribute to Dieu's great success (and failures) as she climbs to the top of Vietnam's gangster underworld.





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