《新生六居客 第一季~第十四季》百度云网盘下载.阿里云盘.英语中字.(2011)

分类:欧美剧集 日期: 点击:0

《新生六居客 第一季~第十四季》百度云网盘下载.阿里云盘.英语中字.(2011)

导演: 大卫·科尔
又名: 鲜肉 第一季
主演: 杰克·怀特霍尔 / 乔·托马斯 / 金伯莉·尼克松 / Greg McHugh / 扎威·阿什顿 / 夏洛特·里奇
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
首播: 2011-09-21(英国)
季数: 1
集数: 8
单集片长: 40分钟
IMDb: tt2058303
The series follows a group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives thus far University! Away from home for the first time, on the brink of adult life, they are about to discover who they really are. From the moment they ship up as freshers at their shared house, their lives are destined to collide, overlap and run the whole gamut of appalling behaviour and terrible errors of judgement.




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