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导演: Omri Givon
又名: When Heroes Fly
编剧: Omri Givon / Amir Gutfreund
主演: 托默·卡蓬 / 妮内特·塔伊布 / 迈克尔·阿洛尼 / Nadav Netz / Moshe Ashkenazi / Vanessa Chaplot / 亚当·梅尔 / Yafit Josephson / Emerson Rodríguez / 奥德·菲尔 / Gil Frank / 艾拉姆·奥里安 / 穆利·舒尔曼 / 阿萨夫·科恩 / Yael Sharoni / 山姆·费尔 / Hadas Kalderon
类型: 剧情 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 以色列
语言: 希伯来语 / 西班牙语
首播: 2018-05-13(以色列)
季数: 1
集数: 10
单集片长: 45分钟
IMDb: tt8220344
Four friends, 11 years after a major falling out, reunite on a final mission:to find Yaeli, the former lover of one man and sister of another. Can they triumph over and find the strength required to lay past demons to rest? Set deep in the Colombian jungle this is a story of fighting for life as well as overcoming personal demons to find peace. Featuring breath-taking action, this dramatic thriller is inspired by a best-selling novel.




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