
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 丹尼埃莱·卢凯蒂
编剧: 丹尼埃莱·卢凯蒂 / 桑德罗·佩特拉利亚 / 斯特法诺·鲁利
主演: 埃利奥·杰曼诺 / 雷欧·波瓦 / 伊莎贝拉·拉贡内瑟 / 卢卡·津加雷蒂 / Stefania Montorsi / 乔治·科兰杰利 / Alina Berzunteanu / 马里尤斯·伊格纳特 / Ahmed Hefiane / 阿瓦·勒依 / 埃米连诺·坎帕尼奥洛 / 达米亚诺·德·劳伦蒂斯 / Guglielmo Luca Giannetti / Beatrice Mantegazza / Federico Luchetti
类型: 剧情 / 家庭
制片国家/地区: 意大利 / 法国
语言: 意大利语 / 罗马尼亚语
上映日期: 2010-04-23(意大利)
片长: 96分钟
又名: Our Life
IMDb链接: tt1509636

Claudio, a construction worker, works on a site in the suburbs of Rome. He is madly in love with his wife who is pregnant with their third child. However, when he finds the remains of an illegal immigrant under the site and doesn't report it, fearing he'll be out of a job if construction comes to a halt, it upsets his simple and happy life. In a rage for life, Claudio energetically fights against the injustice that fell upon him. Love and support from his friends and family as well as the laughter of his children will help him to triumph against the odds.




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