《羞耻 法国版》百度云网盘下载.1080P阿里下载.法语中字.(2018)

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《羞耻 法国版》百度云网盘下载.1080P阿里下载.法语中字.(2018)

导演: David Hourrègue
资源下载:羞耻 法国版网盘,百度云盘,羞耻 法国版下载,阿里网盘,迅雷网盘,百度网盘,mp4磁力电驴ed2k,百度云115网盘下载
编剧: 尤莉娅·安德姆 / 西里尔·泰兹
主演: Philippine Stindel / Marylin Lima / Coline Preher / Assa Aïcha Sylla / Lula Cotton-Frappier / Axel Auriant / Léo Daudin / 米歇尔·贝尔 / Théo Christine / Zoé Marchal / Raphaëlle Amar
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 法国/挪威
语言: 法语
首播: 2018-02-05(法国)
集数: 9
单集片长: 26分钟
IMDb: tt7920500
Skam is getting a French remake. Shooting starts on September 25th and we’ll get four seasons. Sana is now called Imane (17-20 yo, MENA or african, must speak arabic): she is self confident, powerful, protective and very mature. 
  Another main character is Ludo: to be played EITHER by a caucasian baby faced Dicaprio OR a black actor with a nice face, he is also funny and energetic. This could be Magnus or Mahdi. 
  The remake will be broadcast on France 4 (more or less like BBC3).




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