
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 叶大鹰
编剧: 叶大鹰 / 江奇涛 / 芦苇
资源类型:红樱桃百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 郭柯宇 / 徐啸力 / 伊格尔·列达哥洛夫 / 徐小玲
类型: 剧情 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 俄语 / 德语 / 汉语普通话
上映日期: 1996-11-01(中国香港) / 1995-10(上海电影节)
片长: 120分钟
又名: Red Cherry
IMDb链接: tt0114243
1940年冬,两个中国小孩被送进了莫斯科近郊的伊凡诺夫国际儿童院,男孩叫罗小蛮、女孩叫楚楚。不久,苏德战争爆发,儿童院被德军占领。罗小蛮和楚楚在战乱中分开后,当上了专门送发阵亡通知书的“黑色信使”。楚楚和儿童院的另一部分孩子遭受了德军的种种迫害。一位酷爱纹身艺术的德国将军看上了东方女孩楚楚。他将楚楚昏迷并在她身上纹下了一只法西斯像徽。在后方,罗小蛮的住房旁驻扎了战俘,在强烈的报复心驱使下,小蛮每天用弹弓射击战俘,不料竟引起了混乱,小蛮在情急中点燃汽油桶和战俘们同归于尽。二战结束后,苏军查清了楚楚的身份,医院对她进行了植皮手术,但未能成功。楚楚后来一直生活在北京,终生未婚,六十三岁时去世 。

It is 1940. Chuchu and Luo Xiaoman are Chinese students who have been sent to study in Moscow, at the International School. She is 13; he is 12. Xiaoman is from Yanan, Mao's base after the Long March; Chuchu had seen her father executed by Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang. The youngsters fit in well and learn to speak Russian... A large group of students, including Chuchu, leave for summer camp in Byelorussia accompanied by their teacher, Miss Vera. Xiaoman remains behind... The Nazis invade the Soviet Union. Moscow remains unoccupied. Xiaoman takes a job delivering condolence letters to soldiers' families. At one apartment, he finds a mother has died. Her very young daughter, Nadia, has not realized it... The summer camp is occupied by Germans. Miss Vera is murdered. One of the Russian boys, Carl, is half-German, and helps the others to escape. They are quickly recaptured. Chuchu and several other students are sent by Gen. von Dietrich to work as servants at Nazi headquarters in the Yakovliv Monastery. The general is also a medical doctor with a peculiar hobby, tattooing...

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