
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 郑基训
编剧: 郑基训

又名: 创口贴 / 真爱911 / Love 911 / Banchangkko
主演: 韩孝周 / 高修
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 韩国
语言: 韩语
上映日期: 2012-12-19(韩国)
片长: 120分钟
IMDb链接: tt2592808
消防员与医生,两种不同的职业,性质却是一样的,都是救人于水火之中。但同样的,身处这两种职业的人们也需要被治愈,需要创口贴来愈合伤口。作为消防员的姜一 ( 高洙 饰)整日穿梭于大街小巷,拯救他人生命,可却挽救不了妻子的生命;大大咧咧,看似没心没肺的女医生美秀 ( 韩孝周 饰)内心却因为一次医疗事故而封闭了自己。二位满身伤口的人相遇于一次救助行动,美秀被姜一所吸引,大胆展开了追求,熊熊烈火,冰山也会渐渐融化。每日都与死亡打交道,但也见证生命的力量和奇迹的诞生,让二人更加体会到生存的意义和眼前人的珍贵,在一来一往中,互相抚慰了内心的伤痛,成为了彼此伤口的创口贴。

Mi-Soo (Han Hyo-Joo) is a doctor with a fiery spirit. Unfortunately, her fiery spirit gets the best of her one day at work. Mi-Soo fails to properly diagnosis an ill woman. Her husband sues the hospital and Mi-Soo is advised to find a character witness. Kang-Il (Ko Soo) is a dedicated firefighter, who doesn't blink when it comes to saving someone else's life.His boss ordered Kang-Il to follow the husband and to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. The husband eventually confronts Kang-Il and assaults him. Later, Mi-Soo learns of the incident between firefighter Kang-Il and the husband. She concocts a plan to cozy up to the firefighter, in hopes of enlisting him in her legal defense. Little does she know, she isn't dealing with an ordinary fellow and she just may have found her true love.






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