
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 丹尼勒·米西奇亚
编剧: 克里斯蒂亚诺·西科蒂 / 丹尼勒·米西奇亚
资源类型:活尸电梯百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 亚历山德罗·罗亚 / 卡罗利娜·克雷申蒂尼 / 克劳迪奥·卡米利 / 尤丽狄茜·艾克斯顿 / 马科·马内蒂 / 丹尼勒·尼西
类型: 惊悚 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 意大利
语言: 意大利语
上映日期: 2017-08-27(格拉斯哥影展恐怖单元) / 2018-08-14(意大利)
片长: 100分钟
又名: 活尸电梯(台) / The End? / The End? - L'inferno fuori
IMDb链接: tt7085842
愤世嫉俗的年轻商人克劳迪欧(亚历山德罗·罗亚 饰)赶着要和客户进行重要会议,却受困在罗马办公室的电梯中,随即演变成一场不可收拾的梦魇。在电梯之外,某种致命病毒正在大肆扩散,受到传染者将变成极端狂暴的活死人。克劳迪欧必须千方百计想逃出电梯,然而,这部与世隔绝的电梯似乎已变成全市最安全的地方……

Claudio is a businessman at the top of his game. On his way to an important meeting, his elevator gets stuck. What starts out as a mere technical difficulty turns out to be a catastrophe of much larger proportions. Bit by bit and with his cell phone being the only source of information as he is trapped between floors, Claudio realizes that the world as he knew it has completely gone down the drain. Once familiar faces have turned savage and blood-smeared. A lethal virus is transforming people into highly contagious, homicidal zombies. Trapped inside a metal cage, with the ravenous ghouls out to get him, Claudio must rely entirely on his wits and survival instincts to break out of this hell on earth.

密码: n5ri



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