
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 斯文·泰迪肯
编剧: 斯文·泰迪肯
资源类型:最漂亮的一对百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 马克西米连·布鲁克纳 / 路易斯·海耶尔 / 弗罗里安·巴西奥罗麦 / 贾斯娜·弗里茨·鲍尔 / 伊嘉·比肯费尔德 / 奥斯卡·柏克曼 / 克里斯蒂安·斯基宾斯基 / 伦纳德·昆兹 / 马蒂亚斯·李尔 / 朱利斯·尼兹舒寇夫 / 苏珊·萨克塞 / Hannah Schiller / Mirko Kraft / Aurel Manthei / Varia Linnéa Sjöström
类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 德国 / 法国
语言: 德语
上映日期: 2018-09-09(多伦多电影节) / 2019-05-02(德国)
片长: 97分钟
又名: 风暴过后(台) / 最美夫妇 / The Most Beautiful Couple
IMDb链接: tt6824598

Two young teachers, Malte and Liv, are spending their summer holiday on the Mediterranean coast, when they are suddenly attacked by three young men and Liv is assaulted. Two years later, Malte and Liv are not only still together, but demonstrating an amazing strength in dealing with the trauma, determined that it will not tear them apart. But when Malte has a chance encounter with one of the perpetrators, he finds himself driven to seek revenge and sets out in pursuit. But once he is facing the longed-for confrontation, he realizes that the situation has gotten out of control once again. He hasn't told Liv, he didn't call the police and now the couple's fragile relationship, which they have fought so hard to preserve, is threatened once more.



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