
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 筱田正浩
编剧: 川端康成 / 山田信夫
主演: 山本圭 / 加贺麻理子 / 八千草薰
类型: 爱情
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 1965-02-28
片长: 106分钟
又名: Utsukushisa to kanashimi to / 美与哀
IMDb链接: tt0059919
火中莲花,歷劫重生;美丽女画家(八千草薰)花样年华恋上已婚作家,经歷胎儿流產及精神崩溃之苦,欲藻绘婴儿昇天,将耽爱净化昇华。画中一抹鲜红,是少女学生(加贺麻理子)痴慕老师的唇上硃砂;為她昔日的苦恋妒火中烧,决意献身勾引作家及其儿子為老师报復。色慾暗藏杀机,后果无可挽回。篠田正浩以新浪潮电影美学外廓,呈现川端日本传统文学内蕴,将抽象主义艺术的激情,植入古典形式唯美的含蓄;在京都侘寂的孤影里,美丽终将幻灭,归於永恆的哀愁。 亚太电影节最佳女配角

Long before the events of the movie Ôki, who was approaching middle age, had a relation to 16-year-old Otoko. She got pregnant, but the child was stillborn. Their relation stopped at the same time. Much later Ôki had become a famous writer, not least because of a novel about this love story. Otoko had become a famous painter. But she had never overcome the double early trauma and had become a Lesbian. Her favourite student and beloved one was the beautiful Keiko. 24 years after the early love Ôki goes from Tokyo to Kyoto to meet Otoko. The meeting is polite with secret emotional shadows. Keiko makes a plan. She intends to seduce Ôki, become pregnant, bear Ôki's child and give it to Otoko. She hopes that Otoko may thereby get rid of her trauma. But she also wants to take her revenge on the man who had harmed her beloved. Secretly she gets acquainted with Ôki's son, invites him to Kyoto and seduces him. Then she calls his parents and tells that he had promised to marry her. Horrified they take the first plane to Kyoto. Meanwhile, she takes the son on boating, arranges an accident, and drowns him. It is close that she herself would also die.



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