
分类:欧美电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 夏洛特·西林
编剧: 夏洛特·西林
主演: 雅各布·奥福特布罗 / 安妮·达尔·托普 / 索伦·莫灵 / 安娜•林哈托夫 / 索伦·比尔马克 / 苏丝·威尔金斯 / 杰西卡·迪内奇 / Thomas Hwan / Jana Krausová / Marie-Lydie Melono Nokouda / Elias Bauer / 西蒙·本尼杰格 / Evrim Benli
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 丹麦
语言: 丹麦语 / 挪威语
上映日期: 2017-03-02(丹麦)
片长: 90分钟
又名: The Man
IMDb链接: tt1740683
赛门是绘画艺术大师,脾气古怪,但成功而且富有,有着美丽的妻子,以及年轻诱人的情人,直到一天自称是赛门私生子卡斯帕的出现,卡斯帕真实身份是世界涂鸦绘画大师鬼魅侠,鬼魅侠不择手段不计代价,只为完成母亲的遗愿,由奥斯卡奖提名 雅各奥布罗,及影帝索伦莫林主演。

Simon is the king of the Danish art scene - eccentric, successful, wealthy, with a beautiful wife and a young mistress. Life is beautiful, until the day his unknown son Casper turns up and attracts all the attention. It turns out that Casper is the world-famous graffiti artist "The Ghost". This is a provocation and a challenge to Simon, and the relationship between father and son is put to a serious test. However, against all odds he two slowly grow closer to each other, but the question is whether blood ties are enough? Because after all Simon has no plans of being a father, and Casper has other plans with his father than simply getting to know him.




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