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导演: 泷田洋二郎
编剧: 小山薰堂
资源类型:入殓师百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 本木雅弘 / 广末凉子 / 山崎努 / 吉行和子 / 笹野高史 / 余贵美子
类型: 剧情
制片公司:Amuse Soft Entertainment
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2008-09-13(日本)
片长: 130 分钟
又名: 礼仪师之奏鸣曲(港) / 礼仪师(台) / 送行者-礼仪师的乐章(台) / 为逝者送行的人 / 纳棺师 / Departures / Okuribito
IMDb链接: tt1069238
5星 51.9%
4星 38.8%
3星 8.7%
2星 0.5%
1星 0.1%
好于 96% 剧情片


第81届奥斯卡金像奖 最佳外语片 泷田洋二郎
第29届香港电影金像奖 最佳亚洲电影
第32届日本电影学院奖 最佳影片
电影《入殓师》讲述了买了昂贵的大提琴,想要成就一番事业的小林大悟(本木雅弘 饰),经历了4个月的管弦乐演奏,得到的却是“乐团解散”的噩耗与购买乐器的高昂债务。迫不得已,大悟与妻子美香(广末凉子 饰)搬到老屋,过着清贫的日子。某日,一则广告吸引了大悟的注意:NK代理公司,帮助旅行,高薪短工时。大悟来到NK代理公司面试,社长佐佐木生荣(山崎努 饰)二话不说就决定聘用大悟,但却对工作内容避而不谈。在大悟的再三追问下,佐佐木社长终于道明:是入殓(日语Nou Kan)工作! 虽然心理上有所忌惮,高额的薪水还是令大悟接受了这份工作。但这样的工作对普通人谈何容易,一方面对遗体的不适,一方面又要对妻友隐瞒自己的工作,小林大悟不平凡的工作就这样开始了。

The movie "the undertaker" tells the story of Kobayashi Dawu (played by Yasuo Benmu) who bought an expensive Cello and wanted to make a career. After four months of orchestral performance, he got the bad news of "the dissolution of the orchestra" and the high debt of purchasing musical instruments. Forced, Dawu and his wife Mei Xiang (Guangmo Liangzi) moved to the old house and lived a poor life. One day, an advertisement attracted Dawu's attention: NK agency, helping travel, high pay and short hours. Dawu came to the NK agency interview, President Sasaki Shengrong (Yamazaki) decided to hire Dawu without saying a word, but he avoided talking about the work content. Under Dawu's repeated questioning, President Sasaki finally said: it's the work of NUU Kan in Japanese! Although the psychological fear, the high salary or Dawu accepted the job. However, such work is not easy for ordinary people. On the one hand, he is uncomfortable with his body, and on the other hand, he conceals his work from his wife and friends. This is how Xiaolin Dawu's extraordinary work begins.




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