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导演: 扬·霍布雷克
编剧: 培特尔·亚尔乔夫斯基
资源类型:女教师百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 苏珊娜·莫拉利 / 苏珊娜·科内希纳 / 琼戈尔·考绍伊 / 塔马拉·费舍尔 / 马丁·哈维尔卡 / 伊娃·班多尔 / 奥利弗·奥斯瓦尔德 / 理查德·拉布达 / 奥德·马利 / 莫妮卡·瑟特兹尼 / 马丁·舒利克
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 斯洛伐克 / 捷克
语言: 斯洛伐克语
上映日期: 2016-07-04(卡罗维发利电影节) / 2016-07-21(捷克/斯洛伐克)
片长: 102分钟
又名: 老师有问题(台) / 唔多掂老师(港) / Ucitelka / The Teacher
IMDb链接: tt5061162

Since the arrival of the new teacher, Maria Drazdechova, to a Bratislava suburban school in the year of 1983, life has turned upside down for students and parents. The teacher's corrupted behavior and one of the students' suicide attempt that could be related to that matter, makes the school Principal call the students' parents for an urgent meeting that will suddenly put the future of all the families at stake. They are asked to sign a petition to move Miss Drazdechova out of the school. The teacher's high connections within the Communist Party makes everyone feel threatened, but at this point they have no choice but to make a decision: will they dare to go against Miss Drazdechova and stand up for what they believe in at any risk, or will they just remain silent and let things be?




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