
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 朱贤哲
编剧: 朱贤哲
主演: 吴慷仁 / 于台烟 / 钟瑶 / 胡玮杰 / 芳婷
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 中国台湾
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2017-03-17(中国台湾) / 2016-10-10(釜山电影节)
片长: 95分钟
又名: 白蚁 / 颜色失真 / White Ant
IMDb链接: tt6129128
吴慷仁从影生涯最突破性演出,情欲画面挑战尺度极限!以人性最写实灰暗的底层出发,《白蚁:欲望谜网》阐释偷窥与被偷窥之间,无边的猫追老鼠关系…… 白以德(白蚁)努力让自己看起来像是正常上班族,但到了晚上却常常无法控制自己对女性内衣裤的欲望。一次,在白以德行窃女性内衣裤几天之后,他收到了一张DVD,DVD里面正是他偷窃过程的画面。原来,失恋情绪无法抒发的汤君红,追踪失联男友时却意外拍摄到白以德在窃取女性内衣裤。因为愤怒,汤君红没有报警却把拍摄的影像制成DVD寄给白以德,这件看似「正义」的举动却一发不可收拾……

The debut feature film by Chu Hsien-Che, who made several documentaries, White Ant is a psychological drama that tells a story about sexual fetishism. Bai Yide is a young man living alone. He works at a bookstore and derives sexual pleasure by stealing and wearing women's underwear. One day, he receives a DVD in which his activities have been recorded and he becomes anxious. The DVD was sent by Junhong, who happened to know about Bai's psychological trauma steming from working at Bai's mother's wedding dress shop. The director shows deep interest in Bai's anxiety and the emotional change in Junhong. Junhong sends the DVD as a message of warning but, ironically, it works as a way to harass the weak at the same time. This implies the dual face of power. We are all subject to power relations in our daily lives. White Ant, therefore, has both nature of a psychological drama and a social drama.


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