
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 王毓雅
编剧: 王毓雅
主演: 王奕瑾 / 黄恺杰 / 卞庆华 / 钱柏渝 / 蔡尚甫 / 孙启明 / 范逸臣 / 林予晞 / 安晨妤
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国台湾
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2017-05-12(中国大陆) / 2017-05-19(中国台湾)
片长: 88分钟
又名: Falling in love
IMDb链接: tt7158378
2005年的春天,一个17岁的大陆女生慕容碧(王奕瑾 饰),和一个18岁的香港男生凌志南(黄恺杰 饰),来到了台湾最南部的蓝天白云沙滩,经历了一场只属于年轻纯爱的日月星辰,并且一起仰望未来人生,那时,慕容碧为了见证两人的青春而画下了一幅名为《珍珠岛的天空》的画。但好景不长,两人因为太爱对方而向现实低头,碧在误会下黯然离开南的世界,沉默地改变了自己,飞到世界的尽头,把自己对南的爱转作对未来梦想努力的动力。几年后,因为工作辗转到了大陆的碧,真爱的缘份悄悄重新来临。而所有爱情与命运的牵动从北京地铁发生意外那天,重新开始。

Jung-Bi and Zhi-Nan, two poor and passionate young people, fell in love in spring 2004 but soon were separated due to misunderstandings. Jung-Bi thus went back to her hometown Beijing in order to make a fresh start. The story moves between present-day (2014) and the 2005. Sure, the core is romantic story, but the exceptional charisma that the actress brings to the screen makes it feel fresh and not entirely predictable. Complications arise when Jung-Bi receives a challenge her cousin offered as Jung-Bi facing a difficulty at work. Jung-Bi needs to make tough decisions among love, soul and moral law in exchange for a successful career. Meanwhile, Zhi-Nan reappears in Beijing, asking Jung-Bi for a second chance. Is Jung-Bi willing to fix their broken relationship when the old-time painting rekindle many memories from the summer love, or will she moves on to something that is easier in her own life?




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