
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 张元
编剧: 宁岱 / 余华 / 朱文
主演: 李冰冰 / 李野萍 / 梁松 / 刘琳 / 李芸
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 意大利
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2000-05-11(中国香港) / 1999-11-13(塞萨洛尼基电影节)
片长: 90分钟(意大利) / 89分钟(日本)
又名: Seventeen Years
IMDb链接: tt0213695
上世纪80年代,某工厂技术员于正高(梁松 饰)和女工陶爱荣(李野萍 饰)各自带着女儿组成一个新的家庭。于正高的女儿于小琴(李涓 饰)偷钱,引起了夫妻二人的争吵,最终小琴栽赃陶爱荣的女儿陶兰(刘琳 饰)。陶兰愤怒之下,失手杀死小琴,自己也锒铛入狱。转眼17年过去,表现良好的陶兰获准回家过年,但是外面这个变化巨大的世界还会接受她吗?

Tao Lan and Yu Xiaoqin are teenage stepsisters. They go to the same high school, sleep in the same bedroom, but couldn't be more different. The first is wild, a bit of a vagabond, while the other is diligent and studies hard. One day Yu Xiaoqin steals money from her father and puts the blame on Tao Lin, who accidentally kills her sister while attempting to prove her innocence, and is put in jail. 17 years later, a woman by now, she is allowed out and is escorted by a guard to find her home long demolished. The two go to the new address of the ageing parents, and the guard becomes an eyewitness to the difficult reunion and the girl's remorse, the anxiety and fear of the mother and the stepfather's silent struggle to rise above his pain and find forgiveness.




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