
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 清水崇
主演: 绫野刚 / 成田凌 / 岸井雪乃 / 石井杏奈 / 内野圣阳
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2021-04-02(日本) / 2021-04-22(日本网络)
片长: 115分钟
又名: Homunculus
IMDb链接: tt14404280

Susumu Nokoshi once worked for a top foreign financial company. He is now a 34-year-old homeless man, usually found around a park in Shinjuku. He then meets medical school student Manabu Ito, who is looking for volunteers to undergo a surgical procedure known as trepanation. The surgery involves drilling a hole in the skull. Susumu is not interested in having the surgery, but he agrees to have the procedure for 700,000 yen. After the operation, when Susumu closes his right eye and sees someone with his left eye, he sees people having a distorted appearance. Manabu tells him that the distorted appearance is a form of visualization from deep within the mind. Susumu communicates with people, who possess a dark side in their subconscious mind.





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