
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 王早
编剧: 周贺 / 司徒芃丽 / 王郢
主演: 林心如 / 何润东 / 金世佳 / 王姬 / 盖玥希 / 李林 / 李尚翼 / 是之 / 刘世杰
类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2016-07-01(中国大陆)
片长: 92分钟
又名: The Precipice Game
IMDb链接: tt5187548
白富美刘晨晨(林心如 饰)和男友小川(金世佳 饰)在机缘巧合下登上了气氛诡异的“天涯号”游轮,并与其他四位身份不明的中奖者一起进入到紧张刺激的夺宝游戏中。然而,意外频发却让这场诱人的夺宝游戏演变成置人于死地的疯狂杀戮。在与世隔绝的茫茫公海上,失魂落魄的几人开始相互猜忌,事情的走向也更加扑朔迷离,而死神却步步紧逼。 黑暗的背后,究竟是谁在操纵一切,这对误入魔轮的甜蜜爱人,又将逃向何处?

Liu Chenchen, a free-spirited young woman, rebels against her wealthy family and elopes with her boyfriend to join a cruise-bond treasure hunt. But what began as an innocent game with promises of great reward soon turns into a battle for survival when the contestants are thrown into a mysterious world of intrigue and chaos in the middle of the sea. Liu relies only on her wits and her new friends to survive, all the while unmasking foes and learning that nothing is what it seems. But as her companions are attacked one by one, Liu must do everything she can to escape.





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