
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 日向寺太郎
编剧: 足立绅 / Tomoyuki Yamaguchi
资源类型:儿童食堂百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 藤本哉汰 / 铃木梨央 / 吉冈秀隆 / 常盘贵子 / 降谷建志 / 石田光
类型: 剧情 / 家庭
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2019-03-23(日本)
片长: 93分钟
又名: 子供食堂 / The Kids' Diner
IMDb链接: tt8366282

Shockingly many children in Japan come from homes that are below the relative poverty threshold as Japan has one of the highest rates of child poverty in the developed world. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, one out of six children lives in poverty. Reflecting this reality some citizens are taking action; one successful solution are 'kids' diners' or cafeterias for the underprivileged. Typically at these 'diners' volunteer staff cook donated foods. Hot meals are provided free or very cheap to children from homes unable to provide healthy meals. Volunteering at these local 'diners' is an example of a fast-growing activism. The film depicts modern Japan seen through the eyes of children whose lives revolve around 'The Kids' Diner.' The film explores themes of community solidarity as no one can live alone.



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