
分类:其它电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 吉田大八
编剧: 香川正人
资源类型:羊之树百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 锦户亮 / 木村文乃 / 北村一辉 / 优香 / 松田龙平 / 市川实日子 / 田中泯 / 水泽绅吾
类型: 剧情 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2017-10-15(釜山电影节) / 2018-02-03(日本)
片长: 126分钟
又名: 羊之木 / The Scythian Lamb
IMDb链接: tt6087562
影片讲述了政府试行某项机密企划:一个专门接收犯下凶杀罪的“凶手都市”。饰演公务员的月木一(锦户亮 饰),将要面对重新开始人生的六位前杀人犯......

Suffering from population decline, the small seaside town of Uobuka decides to welcome 6 strangers into the community. A malevolent fishing boat operator (Kazuki Kitamura), a sexy caregiver, a frightening launderer, a timid barber, a methodical cleaning woman (Mikako Ichikawa), and a simple-minded deliveryman (Ryuhei Matsuda) are all brought together by this mysterious government-sponsored program. Even Tsukisue, the young city official put in charge of the program, has no idea why they've been brought to town. But when the truth comes out about the six strangers' mysterious past and a body is discovered in the harbor, Tsukisue begins to suspect the motley crew of foul play. Part black comedy, part murder mystery thriller the latest from director Daihachi Yoshida perfectly blends humor and suspense.





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