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导演: 越川道夫

编剧: 越川道夫 / 梯久美子 / 島尾敏雄
资源类型:海边的生与死百度云盘下载 百度网盘下载
主演: 满岛光 / 永山绚斗 / 津嘉山正种 / 井之胁海 / 川濑阳太
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2017-06-17(上海电影节) / 2017-07-29(日本)
片长: 155分钟
又名: Life and Death on the Shore

1944年,二战末期,户枝是奄美群岛中一所国民学校的教师。岛上有海军特攻艇的驻守,而朔则是最近新调来的中尉。几次见面后,中尉深深被户枝所吸引,与此同时,用心学唱岛歌的中尉也让户枝有所沉醉。几番往来后,互有好感的二人终于坠入了爱河。然而,对中尉深深的爱却让户枝备受折磨,永无休止的战事使她的爱人随时处于被召唤出征的状态…… 本片根据小说家岛尾敏雄和其妻子岛尾美保执笔的《岛的尽头》与《海边的生与死》改编。 

In 1944, at the end of the Second World War, Uchida was an elementary school teacher on one of the Uchiba Islands. There were several naval special defensive garrisons, and Lieutenant Shaku was a new comer to the island. After he and Uchida met several times, he was attracted to her deeply. At the same time, she was also attracted to his interest in learning and singing those island songs. Gradually, they fell in love with each other. However, her deep love for the Lieutenant also tortured her since the never-ending war would force Shaku to leave the island one day to fight elsewhere - This film is based on the novelist Hideo Mizuo co-authored with his wife Shioya Miho. This film was adapted from their two novels, "The End of the Island" and "Life and Death at the Seaside"








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