
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 阮世生
编剧: 阮世生 / 罗锦辉 / 方晴 / 高仁
资源类型:天行者百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 郑伊健 / 冯德伦 / 方中信 / 张智霖 / 霍思燕 / 周励淇 / 葛民辉 / 黎耀祥 / 狄龙 / 吴嘉龙 / 胡静 / 黄又南 / 彭敬慈 / 周振辉
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 中国香港 / 中国大陆
语言: 粤语 / 英语 / 谷美尔语 / 泰语 / 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2006-11-17(中国香港)
片长: 118 分钟
又名: Heavenly Mission
IMDb链接: tt0891603
影片的大部分时间,都有三方势力的互消互长,拉扯抗衡。一方是叶秋(郑伊健饰)。他曾经是江湖中的猛兽,然而8年狱中生活后,如今的他却只想办正道企业,振雄图大志,洗清背景。但似乎他的决心并不为人所理解。另一方是鬼仔(冯德伦饰)。他就像叶秋的过去一样,享受着叱咤江湖的威风而忘记回头,并视叶秋为威胁。而宋国明警官(方中信饰),则时刻都在等待一个时机,将两方一同擒下。 鬼仔以叶秋心爱的盲女(霍思燕饰)为诱饵,迫使他进行一桩交易。宋国明闻风亦开始蠢蠢欲动。但是,正是在这场战斗中,宋国明得以慢慢意识到叶秋的苦心,而叶秋,也令鬼仔对自己的黑道生活有了新的顿悟。 

The Story: Ekin Cheng plays Autumn Yip, a triad mobster who gets caught in Thailand and does 8 years in prison before being released. He visits "The Doctor" and asks for a loan before returning to Hong Kong where he is eagerly awaited by his old triad business partners as well as the Hong Kong police who have set up a special 'anti-Triad' unit just to keep tabs on Yip. The movie shows the confusion shown by the mob and the police over Yip's sudden philanthropy as he makes headline after headline for doing good deeds, not bad. This does not sit well with his old triad boss Brother Hung (Ti Lung) nor Hung's son, Gwai Chai (Stephen Fung). Gwai Chai in particular is itching to rise the ranks of the mob and take over and sets up deals on his own which increasingly puts pressure on himself to deliver. The mob's success hinges on Yip's connections to Thailand and Gwai Chai takes matters to the extreme in order to force his deal to be a success, leading to a suspenseful conclusion back in Thailand.

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