
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 钟少雄
编剧: 张炭
主演: 郭富城 / 赵丽颖 / 张翰 / 任达华 / 张蓝心 / 朱一龙 / 于晓光 / 刘玥心 / 奚美娟 / 寇振海 / 由立平 / 安亚平 / 孙耀威 / 曹操 / 李滨 / 涂黎曼 / 艾如
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语
上映日期: 2017-11-03(中国大陆)
片长: 100分钟
又名: 新永不消逝的电波 / Eternal Wave
IMDb链接: tt7628068
本片讲述了淞沪会战后上海沦陷,地下工作者林翔(郭富城 饰)受命来到危机四伏的上海,重建惨遭敌人破坏的地下抗日战线。在这里他遇到单纯却很有正义感的兰芳(赵丽颖 饰),这对临时组成的“地下党夫妇”将在战火纷飞中,携手亦正亦邪的梁栋(张翰 饰)与日本侵略者及伪政府特务展开惊险刺激的生死较量。

The year was 1930, when Shanghai is known as the Paris of the East with a thriving economy. However, behind the glamorous songs and dances, cruelty and terror gets out of control. From the Marco Polo Bridge incident to the Battle of Shanghai, the Chinese Army fought bravely against the Imperial Japanese Army. In the city, the Japanese army destroys many media outlets among Chinese troops, even private radio stations from Britain and France must register to operate. The person in charge of such operations is a Japanese agent Zhang Lanxin (Akiyama Masako) who proudly proclaims that under the Shanghai sky, only Japan-approved stations can survive. Then one day, Li Xia (Aaron Kwok) accepts the mission to rebuild a new means of communication for his compatriots.




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