
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 岳松
编剧: 岳松
主演: 岳松 / 释彦能 / 李宇菲 / 邹兆龙 / 陈惠敏 / 尚铁龙 / 徐冬梅 / 杨骏 / 李长海 / 姜宝成 / 元武 / 董江涛
类型: 剧情 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2016-07-15(中国大陆)
片长: 90分钟
又名: The Bodyguard / Iron Protector
IMDb链接: tt4970038
影片讲述了一个暗黑到极致的复仇故事,功夫小子“武林”(岳松 饰)来到有着“罪恶之称”的冷城投奔自己的师兄李江(释彦能 饰),却意外成为冷城首富千金李菲菲(李宇菲 饰)的保镖,从而引起一场前所未见的腥风血雨……

"The bodyguard" is a mixture of action-packed Kung Fu film and super heroes. Wu-Lin, the protagonist chose the dark path to seek for revenge, and take the law in his own hands. Wu-Lin is not just a regular man from the rural village, he is also the Successor of an ancient, once powerful Chinese clan, the "Iron Feet". After the death of the clan master, Wu-Lin left the village and come to the City of Stone-cold to look for his fellow apprentice Jiang Li. He turn out become the bodyguard of Fei-Fei, the daugther of Jia-Shan Li, the richest family in the city. A clash of an unruly rich girl with a rugged and masculin bodyguard, sparks the flame of true love. Wu-Lin soon discovered that a group of mobster led by Jiang Li, attempts to kidnap Fei-Fei. To protect his love one, Wu-Lin forced to fight them alone. Brutally crushed, but Wu-Lin managed to survive, he took off his iron-shoes, and feel the adrenaline rush into his body again. Wu-Lin decided to face the group of mobsters once more, and he knows someone much bigger, stronger than Jiang Li is behind the evil plot.





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