
分类:日韩电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 羽住英一郎
编剧: 福田靖
资源类型:海猿3百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 伊藤英明 / 加藤あい / 佐藤隆太 / 加藤雅也 / 吹石一恵 / 三浦翔平 / 濱田岳 / 香里奈 / 勝村政信 / 鶴見辰吾 / 石黒賢 / 時任三郎
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2010-09-18(日本)
片长: 129分钟
又名: Umizaru 3: The Last Message
IMDb链接: tt1277373
电影《海猿3》讲述了2010年,超大型台风横扫福冈冲,这片海域上名为“列格利亚”的天然气钻井平台遭到猛烈袭击,其附近一艘货船撞向平台,引发强烈火灾。为了防止造成惨烈的损失,保护国家的重大课题项目,隶属第十管区鹿儿岛航空基地的仙崎大辅(伊藤英明 饰)和伙伴吉冈哲也(佐藤隆太 饰)等海猿战士临危受命,在平台所属公司的设计者樱木浩一郎(加藤雅也 饰)的引领下进入危机四伏的“列格利亚”。台风没有丝毫减弱的迹象,而“列格利亚”随时可能发生超强大爆炸。生死关头,仙崎和战友面临前所未有的大考验…… 

While a menacing typhoon approaches, an accident at the giant natural gas plant Regalia occurs. Japan Coast Guard rescue divers Daisuke Senzaki (Hideaki Ito), Tetsuya Yoshioka (Ryuta Sato) and engineer Hiroshiichirou Sakuragi (Masaya Kato) head together to the gas plant. During their rescue efforts an explosion occurs that traps Daisuke, Natsu Nishizawa Kazue Fukiishi and worker Hisayoneo Kizima (Gaku Hamada). Daisuke then looks for a way out for his party with a man he just meets Takuya Hotori. Because of the typhoon, even a helicopter cannot approach the Regalia. Meanwhile, at the head office of the Japan Coast Guard, the Japanese coast guard tries to find a way to rescue the trapped people, but the government officials put national interests first. Tension arises between these two parties. Daisuke's wife Tamakisai Senzaki (Ai Kato) prays for the safe return of Daisuke not only for her sake, but for their new born son. Daisuke's party is still trapped in the giant plant have one last choice .... (Source: Asian Wiki)



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