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导演: Pasith Buranajan / Kongkiat Khomsiri / Isara Nadee / Seree Phongnithi / Yosapong Polsap / Putipong Saisikaew / Art Thamthrakul
编剧: Kongkiat Khomsiri / Yosapong Polsap
主演: Napakapapa Nakaprasit / Supakorn Kitsuwan / Paweena Chariffsakul / Kalorin Supaluck Neemayothin / Sommart Praihirun / 更多...
类型: 恐怖
官方网站: http://www.longkhong2.com/
制片国家/地区: 泰国
语言: 泰语
上映日期: 2008-04-03
片长: 81分钟
又名: 邪降3:鬼影随行 / Art of the Devil 3 / Long khong 2
IMDb链接: tt1424066

The youngster Ta returns to his hometown, and his aunt Pan and her husband Aod bring him home to meet his grandfather and his great-grandmother. Ta misses his mother Daun, who was poisoned by his father Prawase, and sooner he learns that his family will use black magic to bring her back. The warlock Dis needs the devil of three eyes to control the demons that are eating him due to the excessive use of black magic. He is hired by Ta's grandfather to bring Daun back from the afterlife. He steals the soul of the teacher Panor to use her body to receive Daun's soul through black magic. He gives two instructions to the family: they should bury Panor's fetus and the mirror with her soul in the cemetery and burn Daun's body otherwise lost souls would use it. However, when Aod goes to the cemetery during the night, he is frightened by Panor's soul and he leaves the fetus and the mirror on a tomb and does not bury them. Sooner Dis and Ta's family discover the price of the black magic.




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