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导演: 布赖恩·奥马利
编剧: David Turpin
主演: 尤金·西蒙 / 大卫·布拉德利 / 莫·邓福德 / 比尔·米尔纳 / 迪尔德丽·奥卡尼 / 夏洛特·维嘉 / Roisin Murphy / Emmet Kelly
类型: 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 爱尔兰
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2017-09-08(多伦多电影节) / 2018-03-09(爱尔兰)
片长: 92分钟
又名: 房剋(台)
IMDb链接: tt4399952

1920, rural Ireland. Anglo Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their crumbling family estate. Each night, the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence (The Lodgers) which enforces three rules upon the twins: they must be in bed by midnight; they may not permit an outsider past the threshold; if one attempts to escape, the life of the other is placed in jeopardy. When troubled war veteran Sean returns to the nearby village, he is immediately drawn to the mysterious Rachel, who in turn begins to break the rules set out by The Lodgers. The consequences pull Rachel into a deadly confrontation with her brother - and with the curse that haunts them.




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