
分类:华语电影 日期: 点击:0


导演: 司徒永华
编剧: 弗兰西斯·多尔
主演: 凯蒂·萨瓦 / 凯瑟琳·希金斯 / 克瑞姆·柏辛 / 艾兰·霍金斯 / 珠恩·威廉姆森 / 陈钰芸 / 王文杰 / 李依馨 / 西蒙·殷 / 哈利·杜·杨
类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 美国 / 英国
语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语
上映日期: 2017-11-17(中国大陆) / 2013-07-20(富川奇幻电影节)
片长: 87分钟
又名: 后宫诡影 / 后宫魅影 / 鬼迷宫 / 活尸 / Palace of the Damned / Palace Phantoms / Hell's Haunted Palace / Ghost of the Imperial Palace / The Living Dead / The Undead / The Haunted
IMDb链接: tt2510700

Following in the footsteps of her late fiancée, who drowned under mysterious circumstances, Rebecca (played by Katie Savoy) and her film crew are in China making a documentary about the Chinese Ghost Festival. There, she learns of a story about a concubine Chan Ju Chi who is violently murdered and thrown into a well by the head concubine Ping Wei (Played by JuJu Chan) within the secret grounds of a palace. Legend has it that the Chan Ju Chi has risen to become a "jiangshi", killing innocent people in the hope of taking over their bodies. Things take a turn when a worker is attacked in a decrepit well within an old palace. Rebecca tries to piece together the mystery behind the legend as one by one the people she knows are gruesomely murdered.




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